The Edge, is what La Orilla translates to, it is a very small village in Magdalena right at the border…
This blog was written by teacher Jessy Molina. She worked as an English teacher and CREE asistant. We are the…
Blog written by our reading program coordinators Nely Vasquez and Jessy Molina. Nely provides us with an overview of the…
Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc. has been working with Kolibri in rural Honduras for almost five years. Before Kolibri, we used…
Little by little we are seeing the results of the seed we are planting on the reading program, projects. Here…
As we were leaving the center of town in Magdalena we saw a smiling girl that stared at us and…
Even with the situations that life has offered us in the recent months, we continue moving along. Because failing is…
When self-quarantine started in the country one question arose for me, can I actually work from home? How would I…
What a beautiful adventure it is, to take a seat and enjoy a wonderful enchanted journey, it is a feeling…