Center for Educational Excellence
“Cree” in Spanish means you (formal) believe or she / he believes. In the imperative mood or command form, “cree” can also present the demand that one believe, as in “Do not despair, but believe!” It is also the Shoulder to Shoulder acronym for our education mission, Centro Regional para Excelencia en Educación or the Regional Center for Educational Excellence.
Shoulder to Shoulder is supporting education in our Frontera region through partnerships that increase access to world-class resources and improve education. One of our biggest partners, Learning Equality, released an open-source learning platform called Kolibri (Previously KA Lite). We are proud to take part in this global initiative and bring the best education to a region forgotten for many years. To Learn more about Shoulder to Shoulder, the communities we serve and our programs visit our website and check out the videos below!
CREE's work in 2016
El Trabajo de CREE en 2018
CREE's work in 2017
El Trabajo de CREE en 2017
Learning Equality alongside Google are doing great work around the world through Kolibri. Check out the video on the right to see other examples of their great work, this one in Guatemala