Kolibri: Opportunities make a difference

The fusion of technology and education is instilling confidence in our next generation, propelling them towards following their biggest dreams.

Ligia en UNAH

Ligia Fonseca, a young university student pursuing a degree in Administrative Informatics at the ‘Universidad Autónoma de Honduras’, shares her story of gratitude and joy stemming from her experience during her high school years. It was there that she had the opportunity to immerse herself in the world of information technology as a learning tool, using applications such as KA Lite and Kolibri.

Kolibri is a powerful tool that has enabled numerous students to advance both individually and collectively in their pursuit of knowledge. Its relevant content and user-friendly, simple yet effective interface have been instrumental in their educational journey.

Ligia stands as just one example of the many young Hondurans who are reaping the educational benefits provided by Shoulder to Shoulder in partnership with Learning Equality, the Ministry of Education, local governments, and other NGO partners, all through the use of Kolibri.

In her own words, Ligia shares her journey:

"From a young age, I had the opportunity to experience technology in the classroom through the KA Lite platform, particularly in mathematics at the Santo Tomás de Aquino Institute. After graduation, I had the good fortune to work with Shoulder to Shoulder, where I contributed to preparing computers and tablets aimed at providing children and young adults with access to a quality education. This experience has been truly enriching, and throughout my work, I have witnessed the positive impact that technology can have on students' lives, especially those who lack access to conventional educational resources.

Working for Shoulder to Shoulder allowed me to explore Kolibri more extensively. Personally, this platform has been of great assistance throughout my university journey, particularly in areas such as mathematics, physics, statistics, calculus, quantitative methods, economics, and accounting. Hailing from a small community in the south of Intibucá, named Camasca, where limitations are abundant, thanks to Kolibri, the transition to a new learning environment in the city has been exceptionally smooth. This educational platform has provided me with an invaluable advantage in my learning, and the fact that it does not require an internet connection is simply marvelous, significantly reducing costs. I love Kolibri and wholeheartedly recommend it to all students seeking a professionally organized content library to fuel their knowledge growth, both inside and outside the classroom.

Education is a fundamental right for all children, and technology can be a powerful tool in making this right a reality, even for those facing various challenges. The experience of helping these children and young adults unlock the doors to knowledge has filled me with gratitude and responsibility. Furthermore, I have acquired valuable technical skills and knowledge that will serve me well in my future professional career. Let us always remember that while we may not be able to change the world entirely, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Together, let us build a future where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential through quality education."

In High School

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Ligia Fonseca for sharing her inspiring journey, which motivates us to continue working tirelessly, shoulder to shoulder, to expand opportunities and create a legacy of success. With education and opportunities, the generations of tomorrow can shape a brighter future for themselves and their communities, fostering peace and prosperity without needing to seek a better future far from their home Country.

We also express our gratitude to all our generous donors for supporting our youth, enabling them to believe in themselves and pave the way for their communities' bright future.
