Learning Equality has gathered organizations from Africa and Latin America in a virtual event to talk about the impact on education based on examples from the Learning Equality and Kolibri community.
Kolibri is an excellent tool that combines three important keys to succeed in an environment like the Honduran one.
- It allows us to share and access high-quality content, world-class.
- An Internet connection is not a requirement.
- It is free.
In Honduras, especially in rural areas, our teachers don't have many textbooks or libraries in most places; even phone signal is a challenge.
Students usually drop off after their 6th grade in more than fifty percent sadly. Nevertheless, with Kolibri teachers have found an ally that gives them the tools to motivate the student to stay in school more time.
Several times the students do not get all the competence that they need to face the challenge that High School brings to them in a consequence many of them decide to quit because they do not understand how to overcome those barriers. In Kolibri, they have a friendly environment where they can have access to the content that need and they can see their videos where a teacher that never gets mad, never gets angry, never get bored, is never hungry and they can't repeat as much as needed in order to understand and fulfill their knowledge.

I have a dream, I would like to expand Kolibri all around the country, and I am sure I am in the right place, the Shoulder to Shoulder and Learning Equality teams are as motivated as I am to keep dreaming and working together to expand this wonderful technology all around.
The Minister of Education, Local governments, Pareants Associations, and other nonprofit NGOs have joined us in our mission to expand Kolibri to the whole Country. Right now, we have covered more than 17000 students in more than 100 schools in Intibucá, Honduras.
We are fishing and creating content to provide tools that motivate people to learn more about Kolibri so those who needed the most have the opportunity to go beyond and make their goals true.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the organizations that are providing free education access, with a special mention of Learning Equality and Shoulder to Shoulder. Thank you very much for your support.
Continue making progress is essential since education should be available to everyone. Therefore, combining high-quality, offline, and free resources greatly enhances its effectiveness.
This is what I call, "Offline solution for offline communities."