July 5th,2023, is a memorable day for Shoulder to Shoulder.

Kolibri opening day at Valero Meza school
Since we signed the cooperation agreements with the mayors of Intibucá, we have been constantly looking for opportunities to bring the Kolibri platform to more schools. But, one of our difficulties is obtaining the technological equipment, it is costly.
On this occasion, we would like to share a unique experience with you so far. The Valero Meza Basic Education Center, located in the municipality of Intibucá, received a donation of 244 tablets and 20 computers through the government program called PNTED.

In the picture, 7th -9th graders at Valero Meza school
PNTED donated the equipment to use two online educational platforms. Our area needs an internet service does not allow connecting 40 tablets simultaneously. For this reason, the director of this Educational Center, Lic. Eva Priscila Vásquez took it upon herself to motivate her teachers and incorporate Kolibri into this technological team. After extensive socialization with parents and teachers, the response was positive.
Teachers from Valero Meza receiving the Kolibri training
And on these types of occasions, our agreements with the mayors are activated. Lic. Norman, the municipal mayor of Intibucá, did cost sharing for installing the platform in the equipment donated. Shoulder to Shoulder content loading to support the Valero Meza project was funded in part thanks to grants from the United States Department of State. A total of 260 devices are now ready with the Kolibri content.
Completing the technological equipment
This school has more than 847 students enrolled, where 295 students are attending 7th-9th grades. It means the tablets obtained needed more for each student to have one. Thanks to our donors, we can complete the 55 missing devices. The purpose is graders from 1st-6th will use Kolibri in the morning and 7th-9th in the afternoon. Also, the computer space is small, so we donated 20 USB flash drives loaded with the whole curriculum, 1st to 9th graders.
CREE team delivering the tablets
Nothing of this would be possible without the unconditional support we receive from our generous donors and grantors. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much for investing in the education of our children!