I remember the days when I started going to church with my family. Those where such beautiful 40-minute walks accompanied by beautiful conversations, laughs, and during the winter snacks; eating green and yellow mangoes with salt yummy! No matter how long we had been walking this path, we always felt that the hardest part was up to church because of the hill!
We couldn’t change the road, but we could keep going and grow our body’s endurance by taking long strides as far as we could, to get to church as soon as possible. At some points in life I consider that it is like our route to church, it has hills that we must learn how to climb.
Today more than ever I appreciate this reflection. The only way to win is to continue. It is necessary to continue taking steps …one after another, and maintaining strength. Fighting against the slopes, against the impossible, against adversity, against obstacles, against difficulties, that is our challenge. We cannot show our weakness, but our strength, our capacity, our disposition, our positive attitude toward our goals and this is exactly what CREE is doing!
The only way to win is to continue. It is necessary to continue taking steps …one after another and maintaining strength!
Students from our bilingual sch00l building the game wall with lego blocks Team from Santa lucía getting ready for robotics lessons.
For two consecutive years, we have organized Lego robotics competition with youth from teams in the frontier and that was the plan for this year. However, those illusions are lost. Indeed, the pandemic took away our planned events, but it has not taken away our desire to continue fighting for STEM education for our youth. For this reason, we took the smart risk of delivering Lego kits to four teams who are willing to continue learning about coding and much more.
These students inspire us every day. Together with their coaches, they have looked for ways to meet in small groups and learn not only about robotics but also about communication, leadership, values, and many strategies to solve problems. They are smart kids with a full desire to keep learning during these difficult times. We are currently climbing a very steep hill, but we are doing it with strength, with capacity, with disposition, and with a positive attitude.
In the picture, coaches Yanni and Julio teaching robotics lessons.
We are very excited to have great coaches on each of the teams. They have been motivating their team members to keep gathering to learn. After a long process of getting permissions with health authorities and parents, four of seven teams are meeting and learning about Lego robotics. It might seem like a very little step in comparison to what we want to achieve, but we consider it as a great triumph. We are helping these young minds to climb this hill of uncertainty with courage, strength, and hope!
Thanks to all those who in one way or another help us equip our youth with the knowledge that will serve as them as a shield to face this highly competitive world!