Fertilizing the Passion for LEGO Robotics

Last year, the Lego competition was held in San Antonio, Intibucá; it was a success! The  teams obtained a set of positive skills like teamwork, leadership, problem solving, self-confidence, dedication, Self-motivation, technical knowledge (programming, mechanics, electronics, physics, mathematics, engineering, art and technology).

We are  very excited to announce that our Lego robotics program is flourishing; every season, more students get excited about participating in the regional competition.  As part of this, we just donated a Lego kit to a new school in Yamaranguila located in  the north of Intibucá and they are happy to participate in the competition.

This year 2023, the robotics team of the STEAM center has begun planning the Regional Lego competition, which will take place in Camasca, Intibucá.  Eight teams are getting ready to win this championship.  It is worth to mention that it is the first competition managed by the AMFI Organization (Association of Border Municipalities of Intibucá); however, shoulder to shoulder is supporting this ownership transition by holding a series of meetings with  the new coordinators. It is enhancing them to obtain the necessary knowledge to develop  the competition in coming years. Also, Shoulder To Shoulder for children has committed to sponsor resources to continue fertilizing STEAM education  for children and young people from this area of the country. 

We thank all generous donors for  supporting the organization with donations. Every penny is invested in the education of  many children and young people who previously did not have an opportunity to learn using these technological tools.

