Team Honduras takes 16th place out of 193 teams!! Team wins silver medal in robot design of engineering and efficiency.
The 2nd annual international FIRST Global robotics competition took place in Mexico City, Mexico August 15-18, 2018.
Only 5 kids were allowed to compete, with a requirement that at least one speak English. Students from the Camasca and Concepcion high schools again participated, and we had to go to the nearest city about 2 hours away to find our student that speaks English.
13 students were named for the team and began training at the end of March, with our faithful coach from the states, Alan Ostrow, and his family. In the end, only 5 of the students were selected for the competition team.
Participating in this competition posed extra challenges for the kids in these pueblos, who come from families of poverty, little opportunity, and absolutely no prior experience in robots...or even with a remote control for that matter. There was the benefit of the coaches having the previous year under their belt, and some of 2017's team members to help mentor them through the process. We were excited to watch them excel and overcome the odds. Read our competition blog here!!