My name is Lesvin Josué Castillo Castillo. I was born on September 19, 2001. I am from the community of El Rosario Camasca, and my parents are Paula Castillo Martínez from San Miguel Concepción and José Reyes Castillo Lopez from El Rosario, Camasca Intibucá .My family has three men and two women. When I was about 7 years old I got sick. In that time I was about to die with an illness that I had and my parents struggled to take me to the doctor, so they had to walk about an hour to do so.

My parents have always fought for us to continue with our studies. My father always takes great sacrifices to support us in the expenses of the three men as we are studying. First we completed primary school in the Doctor Juan Manuel Gálvez School of the community from El Rosario Camasca. We put in lots of effort and we always excel in school. Then, my parents decided to register us to start high school at the Santo Tomas de Aquino Institute. Now I am in the informatics career. I started the first year with the fear that I would not understand the classes, because when I entered I was a shy teenager, but as the days and months passed by I was able to adapt to the learning process. I met many classmates with whom I now get along with very well and they became my friends.

I came out of 9th grade and my parents told me to choose the career that I liked to continue studying and I chose a computer career because I like it, and I always wanted to manipulate computers. For that reason, my parents decided to enroll me in informatics.  As soon as I started the first year of my career I met many other students who are my classmates now. About half of them are classmates I have had since 7th grade and I feel very fortunate because I’ve had a very good friendship relationship with them.

Being one of the students in informatics career, two classmates and I were called to attend a meeting, Even though, we didn’t know what it was about, the director told us that we had been chosen for a robotics team with which we represented the country of Honduras in the First Global competitions in Mexico City since last year it was in the United States.