Our priority has always been a solid community structure for educational advancement. Along the way, we have learned that projects are more durable when they are self-sustaining by the community. It is a difficult challenge but not impossible to achieve.
On this occasion, we traveled to the picturesque municipality of San Antonio, Intibucá also, it is the center of the dry corridor of Honduras.

Its mayor, Licdo Rodolfo Santos, has been one of the leaders who has dedicated part of his life to improving education in his Municipality and the AMFI ( Association of Border Municipalities of Intibucá) territory for years.

There is strength in unity
Yes, when we unite, we become more strong. The José Trinidad Reyes, San José, San Antonio school was awarded the PNTED government project. This project provides each teacher with a laptop and 15 student tablets. However, for PNTED to work, it is necessary to have access to a stable internet connection, and living in a developing country is a luxury we cannot afford.
Talking with the mayor and teachers from this school, we reached a reasonable consensus that this equipment can be more useful if used with the Kolibri platform. It contains world-class content and, most importantly, does not require an internet connection. The mayor bought six smart TVs, one for each classroom in this school. We have completed the necessary equipment so that more children can access to individual devices. We have donated 15 tablets and 6 routers. In this way, all teachers use Kolibri, and all children from third to ninth grade have been assigned a tablet. All parties involved are happy that the technological equipment is being used in the best way.

In the picture, teacher from the San José school receiving the equipment along with mayor Rodolfo and Shoulder to Shoulder team.
On the other hand, Licdo Rodolfo had made the request to expand Kolibri to three more schools. Our unwavering commitment to success led us to respond that we are investing in success. We are committed to placing laptops in all places with televisions to start with the presentation mode. There was no more to think about.

On August 28, 2024, Mayor Rodolfo donated 9 smart TVs that were distributed to 3 schools, so Hombro con Hombro added 9 laptops prepared with the Kolibri platform.
During this short day, the teachers enjoyed receiving the technological equipment and exploring the platform for a few minutes. Their facial expressions say more than many words. Here is a photo of the teachers discovering the wonderful world that will now accompany them on their teaching day.

Pictured are teachers from single-teacher schools knowing Kolibri for the very first time ever.
To strengthen alliances, we continue to encourage mayors to invest in schools and give children sustainable development opportunities, thereby retaining Honduran intellectual capital.
Thanks to all those who constantly lend us a helping hand in reaching more children in our beloved Honduras. Your support is invaluable and integral to the success of our educational initiatives!