What if no one recognized our achievements through effort? Would there be motivation to do our best? The truth is that knowing that our work is valued by others, especially with the circle of people we work with, makes us feel important in what we do. Recognition motivates us, fills us with more dreams, and inspires us to improve and try harder. Recently, we have adopted a phrase for our educational mission: Investing behind success. This phrase means we will invest in schools with better academic results using the Kolibri platform. We must recognize that the more you give, the more you are asked, but for people whose challenge is excellence, this condition is not a problem.
Last year, we promoted a Star Schools project; see the winners here.https://hondurasrobot.org/2023-2/

Picture 1- Teachers from Camasca receiving their prizes
Picture 2- Certificate and prize received by the BLS
At the AMFI Mancomunidad level, the Camasca Bilingual School (BLS) proudly secured first place in the Kolbri platform usage. This achievement has spurred us to invest further in the school's resources. A testament to the parents' unwavering dedication, they purchased two smart TVs for the younger students. Though it caused some discontent among the older students, this selfless act clearly demonstrated their commitment to their children's education.
Knowing the achievements obtained by the teachers and students in this school (BLS), we have 6 classrooms with smart TVs and 6 computers, one for each teacher for the exclusive use of Kolibri. Teachers feel very motivated and simultaneously challenged daily to give their best to provide quality education to each student.

In the picture, the president of the parent association, the principal, and the pre-k students from the BLS receive their 6 smart TVs.
Community support
Our community's support has been instrumental in our journey. Students and a teacher from the neighboring municipality of Concepción volunteered to add outlets in all the school's classrooms. This was a crucial step as the existing outlets were insufficient to connect the tablets and TVs. This act of solidarity underscores the power of collective action. You can see this action in the pictures.

GRATITUDE -We extend our heartfelt appreciation to every one of our donors. Your support has made it possible for more children in Intibucá to receive a quality education, and your contributions are truly making a difference in their lives. THANK YOU!