Igniting Minds – Reading Program 2024

The Transformative Power of Reading

Imagine a world where every child discovers the magic of books—a world where stories become their companions, knowledge becomes their power, and reading becomes their lifelong habit. The Reading Program 2024 is more than an initiative; it’s a journey to ignite the love for reading in students from the first grade to the twelfth grade. Our mission is to open doors to endless possibilities, nurturing young minds and preparing them for a brighter, more successful future.

Nurturing Lifelong Learners

Our goals are clear and ambitious:

  • Cultivate a Habit of Reading: Encourage students to develop a reading habit that extends beyond the classroom, enriching their personal and professional lives.
  • Empower Educators: Highlight the leadership of teachers and educational authorities, giving them the tools to guide their students on the path to becoming reading champions.
Portada 1

Participating Schools

Students from first to twelfth grade in the AMFI, MANCURISJ, LENCA ERAMANI, and MAMUNI Mancomunidades (Municipal Associations) will embark on this reading adventure. Those with access to Kolibri will use tablets, while others will receive digital books in PDF format, ensuring every student can participate fully in the program.

Schools' Preliminary Registration

225 schools
543 teachers
30,352 students

A total of 225 schools, 543 teachers, and 30,352 students are registered across the 17 municipalities. Here’s a snapshot:

preleminary registration

Creating Champions

We see this as a wonderful opportunity for the children. Our vision is to foster an environment where intrinsic motivation for reading can truly flourish. By creating a strong alliance between teachers and students, we can build a nurturing space for reading. In this environment, every participant will have the materials they need, find joy in the process, engage in meaningful discussions with peers, and spend high-quality time enriching their vocabulary.

This collaborative approach not only enhances their communication skills but also broadens their perspectives on the world around them. As they explore various roles through reading, they become immersed in a world brimming with opportunities. Reading transcends being a mere activity; it’s a gateway to endless possibilities. It profoundly shapes how we view our world, expanding our horizons with every page turned.

When we observe children deeply absorbed in books, we witness the essence of success, dreams, and personal growth. Reading embodies power and learning. Let’s nurture a passion for reading, for it is through this journey that children unlock the true potential of knowledge and imagination.

Final Event and Exciting Incentives

We are thrilled to announce that the final event will be held in La Esperanza on August 30th. Throughout the process, we are offering various exciting incentives providing intrinsic motivation to the students, including bonuses, scholar kits, LEGO block kits, books, and even tablets. These prizes will be awarded to students at different stages of the program, from the Municipal and Mancomunidad levels to the Departmental level.

Coordinating Activities

This year’s opportunity is driven by the enthusiasm and dedication of our teachers. We aim for the program to be seen as an exciting opportunity to enhance students' professional and academic growth, rather than an additional task. It’s a collective effort involving Shoulder to Shoulder, the Departmental Educational Direction of Intibucá, municipal and district directors, teachers, and students from 17 municipalities.


Our champions will be rewarded, thanks to the generous support of Shoulder to Shoulder Inc., the official sponsor of the Reading Program Awards. These rewards are a token of appreciation for the hard work and passion our young readers and their mentors bring to the program.

Together, let's inspire a new generation of readers and leaders. Join us in the Reading Program 2024 to make a lasting impact on our students' lives and help them realize their full potential.
