Shoulder to Shoulder has technology projects amongst the 7 Frontera municipalities, also known as the AMFI region (see below). The projects range from English support for Kinders to offline Kolibri STEM and robotics involvement. Each school is at a different "phase" in these projects. Read our "best approach" section to learn more about how we ensure each project's success.
We work and expand as donations come in or grants are awarded. We also now ask communities to provide a financial counterpart to promote sustainability and local ownership. Over the years we have learned that a little investment can go a long way in our schools and education is worth every ounce of investment.
In 2021 we expanded to serve the greater Intibucá department thanks to our partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank. Since the end of our grant we have worked to establish partnerships with the regional mayor associations (mancomunidades) to translate our sustainability model and support into their own hands.