Opportunities That Change Lives

Donation of technology by UNICEF and Hombro a Hombro marks the path to educational excellence and a promising future for the entire community in La Laguna de Chiligatoro

Deep in the mountains of Intibucá, in the village of La Laguna de Chiligatoro, a change is taking place that is transforming not only education but also the future of an entire community. The "Honduras" School, with its 360 students, has taken a bold step toward technological integration, thanks to the vision and leadership of its director, Lic. Otilia García Amaya.

Honduras School, Chiligatoro
Honduras School, Chiligatoro

What began as a shared dream of Otilia, the teachers, and the parents—to bring technological resources to the school—became a mission. The key was Kolibri, a platform that provides high-quality educational content without the need for an internet connection, making it ideal for the region. Inspired by the benefits of this tool, they set out to acquire the necessary equipment to implement it. Their hard work paid off: UNICEF donated 50 tablets and a projector, while Hombro a Hombro provided laptops and devices to install a local network, completing their initial tech kit.

Donation of technological equipment to the Honduras School.
Donation of technological equipment to the Honduras School.

This achievement is not just a technical upgrade—it’s a life-changing milestone. The children, once limited by geographic isolation, now have access to an infinite source of knowledge. Their joy and curiosity as they use these tools are palpable. But this is only the beginning. Director García made it clear that their efforts will continue. The goal: to keep improving, to keep dreaming, and to keep offering the children in the community opportunities that will prepare them to face the challenges of the future with confidence and life skills.

Kolibri project: software demo and project plan.
Kolibri project: software demo and project plan.

The impact goes far beyond the classroom. These tools don’t just educate—they empower. With access to this technology, students can aspire to a future with more opportunities and fewer limitations. By keeping them engaged in the educational system for longer, this initiative directly combats issues like illegal migration, teenage pregnancies, and early marriages. This project not only uplifts individuals but also strengthens the entire community.

Self-learning and lesson planning.
Self-learning and lesson planning.

Hombro a Hombro, alongside UNICEF and other partners, is committed to continuing the creation of opportunities for Honduran children. Stories like these are living proof that every action matters. Every donation, every effort is an investment in the future of our country. Together, we can make a difference and give our children the tools they need to change their lives and build a brighter future.

Kolibri is already flying in the classroom.
Kolibri is already flying in the classroom.

This is an invitation to keep collaborating, to keep believing in the transformative power of education and technology. Every step counts, every child matters. Now more than ever, our actions are sowing the seeds of success for a new generation.

Let’s unite to keep opening doors!


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